Thursday, July 15, 2010


Okay so I know I stopped writing my blog, but you guys check it out. Today I was chatting with new friend and here's a snippet:

me: yeah animal teats disturb me greatly

Jarett: Haha

me: i avoid visual contact with them at all costs

Jarett: Yes.  Especially like, a week after a dog gives birth.  And they like, drag on the ground.
And the dog seems to not even notice.
me:  I just avoid looking because i think people will accuse me of being some sort of pervert.


Jarett: "YOU MUST BE A FURRY!"  Then they hold up a cross at you.

me: Hahahahah right. Not writing my blog is making me say a lot of things in normal chat that should not be said.  I think I'll write a post about this.  
Okay. I got a piece of paper and wrote: "animal titties".  Where have I gone wrong in life?

Jarett: I would hide that paper if I were you.

me: I am a person who writes "animal titties" on a scrap of paper and puts it in my purse for safe keeping!
Jarett: Bahahaha. Get going on that post.   You should definitely title it: (::::)
So as you can see, it is going to be impossible for me to NOT write my blog.  I realize that most of the humor in this post came from Jarett, but I promise to be more independant in the next one. 
P.S. That emoticon for a pregnant dog was Allie's idea in this post on Hyperbole and a Half. 

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