The trouble started this past Monday--T minus 5 days to band practice/sweet mental health. Monday I freaked out and decided that I am not a fun person if I do not drink. That should not have been a news flash, but due to some pre-existing self-doubting tendencies, I took the realization pretty hard. WHY AM I NOT FUN??????

We are no longer friends.
Unfortunately I made the commitment and there is no turning back now. To back out would be worse than if I had never made the no-beer pact in the first place, because it would PROVE that I am indeed some sort of a low-level fledgling alcoholic. It's no disorder to NOT make a pact and continue drinking normally, but to make such a deal and be unable to keep it is definitely borderline. So I'm stuck. But hey! Who cares!? I AM fun! I think I remember having fun before I started drinking, so surely I must be able to do so once again. I was pumped.

Monday afternoon panic set in. I have to go home and go to bed without a beer? How can that be? Where am I?
Tuesday was no better, as panic attacks seem to go hand in hand with big life decisions. You may have noticed a lack of blog posts on Monday and Tuesday of this week, as I was otherwise occupied closely monitoring my internal organs to make sure they did not leap through my skin and run out of control, alienating friends and family and oozing all over the furniture.
Wednesday I had a breakthrough. It's possible that I had completed what is commonly referred to as "detox" and was no longer in a state of constant panic.
By Saturday I had hit my stride. "I can do this!"......as long as I get the second half of my plan--hardcore band practice.
I have saved an extra special F U for whatever neighborhood watch toolchest called the fuzz on us after about 15 seconds of warming up. We had to stop just when I was starting to get ready for my big release of anxiety and tension. You gave me band blue balls, and you WILL be punished. I don't know how, but I'm going to get you.
That being said, one week down, three to go. Maybe when the time is up and I can drink again, I'll save my first toasted tinkle for your front doorstep. I'm willing to sacrifice my one small scrap of dignity.

Show me the law that says that I must have more self-respect than Fergie.
Unfortunately, there are those who without an alcoholic beverage at hand seems to be pessimistic. Deduction of dignity and self respect creeps slowly to them. Your self-worth and commitment seem to over power to desire to down a few here and there. Continue to your goal of being the most entertaining individual you can be, following by a few head bangs
ReplyDeleteI think you're taking it a bit seriously. It's a humor blog.